• Tech Fellow Consulting

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    Localization Provider Update

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    Hi all, Not a huge pile of news and features (those I've saved for v7.0). It's been a while since v1.0 of LocalizationProvider. Originally it has its inception

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    This is next post in series about real-time public transport tracking system development based on Azure infrastructure and services. This time we talk about data distribution further to our subscribers.

    • 详解国内流行网游加速器原理、技术与实现-宅玩网:2021-6-15 · 1. 前言 网游加速器是针对个人用户快速连接网游服务器的一种服务。为了解决国内南北网络互联瓶颈的问题,“网络加速器”厂商通过搭建多个高带宽的双线机房(或通过租用双线VPS主机),并在这些机房的两大线路中架设多个节点服务器,然后为其编写“网络加速器客户端”,通过客户端判断用户 ...
      valdis iljuconoks
    LocalizationProvider Under the Tests

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    Recently I got a question from a very good friend of mine about how to properly unit test localization provider. Tests and even unit ones have been one of the

    • valdis iljuconoks

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    芝麻游戏助手-游戏、模拟器专用单窗口单ip软件【官方网站】:2021-6-6 · 芝麻游戏助手是一款专为游戏玩家设计的单窗口单IP软件,可众实现同一时间游戏、模拟器、浏览器等多款软件多窗口分配不同的ip地址,是一款备受好评的游戏ip加速器软件。

    • 海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伔使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,众及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ...
    Asp.Net Core

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    Introduction I'm pleased to announce that v6 of DbLocalizationProvider is finally out to the wild. It's been a bit bumpy road and longer journey as expected, but here we are.

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    This is next post in series about real-time public transport tracking system development based on Azure infrastructure and services. Here we talk about data processing pipeline.

    • ip加速器永久免费版下载_ip加速器永久免费版官方下载_ip加速 ...:2021-8-2 · 安卓市场网免费为您提供最新的ip加速器永久免费版下载,ip加速器永久免费版官方下载,还有大量ip加速器永久免费版教程,安卓市场网是国内专业的软件下载站之一,更多安卓手机软件尽在安卓市场官 …
      valdis iljuconoks
    Episerver ContentArea with AllowedTypes Specified by Interface

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    Background Once an interesting question was asked on Episerver Community Slack space how to work with ContentAreas and specifically [AllowedTypes] and specify restrictions based on interface. My answer wasn't quite

    • valdis iljuconoks
    Episerver DeveloperTools - UI Refresh

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    This blog post is about latest features and bug fixes added to v3.5 of Episerver DeveloperTools package

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks
    Building Real-time Public Transport Tracking System on Azure - Part 1
    .Net Core

    真正免费的网络加速器- 坚果海外加速器

    This is next post in series about real-time public transport tracking system development based on Azure infrastructure and services. This article is a part of Applied Cloud Stories initiative -

    • valdis iljuconoks
    Converting Azure WebJobs to .NET Core

    Converting Azure WebJobs to .NET Core

    Motivation Migrating something to .NET Core (while stuck with .NET Framework for a while due to surrounding platform dependency constraints) sounds intriguing and challenging at the same time. Our main

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks
    LocalizationProvider v5.7 Is Out

    LocalizationProvider v5.7 Is Out

    It's been a while since last Episerver DbLocalizationProvider package update. Fortunately this release includes couple bug fixes delivered by amazing developer community and also few new features. What's included in

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks
    Effectively Working with Git Submodules


    Background During development of DbLocalizationProvider I had single repository in GitHub containing more that one package as result of the build. Initially there was just a EPiServer package to add

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks
    LocalizationProvider Client Side Feature now also for Asp.Net Mvc Apps

    LocalizationProvider Client Side Feature now also for Asp.Net Mvc Apps

    There are sometimes moments when you just need to take deep inhale and add backward support for apps that most probably you will hardly see selected in "File >

    • valdis iljuconoks
    Client-side Localization in Asp.Net Core Using LocalizationProvider

    Client-side Localization in Asp.Net Core Using LocalizationProvider

    Starting with v5.4.1 version of the LocalizationProvider package for .NET Core, it's now possible to work with translations also on client-side.

    • valdis iljuconoks

    Object Cache Viewer Joins EPiServer Developer Tools

    It's super cool to work together with the community and unite effort across all areas to strengthen EPiServer ecosystem and toolsets. After chat with Joe Mayberry we decided that his

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks
    How Risky are EPiServer.DeveloperTools on Production Environment?

    How Risky are EPiServer.DeveloperTools on Production Environment?

    We had a great conversation at the EPiServer Partner Close-Up conference with one and only Allan Thræn about future plans and such. And one of the topics we chatted about

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks


    I'll not talk about how cool Azure Functions are (because they are cool), but will focus on pretty tiny but very important aspect when running functions - how to get

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks

    Asp.Net Mvc Areas for EPiServer Forms

    海豚网游加速器安卓版下载-海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版下载 ...:2021-5-28 · 海豚网游加速器安卓版正式版是款适合游戏玩家伔使用的游戏加速工具。海豚网游加速器安卓版最新版一键即可开启加速,热门手游畅玩无阻,还支持多ip切换,有效解决手游外服限制问题。海豚网游加速器安卓版中还拥有一支专业的运维团队,众及一支优秀的客服团队,能及时有效的解决用户在 ...

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks
    Localized Episerver Enum Properties

    Localized Episerver Enum Properties

    Time to time I receive questions on how to properly translate System.Enum based properties on Episerver using DbLocalizationProvider package. The support has been around for quite while, but I've never really blogged about it properly.

    • 详解国内流行网游加速器原理、技术与实现-宅玩网:2021-6-15 · 1. 前言 网游加速器是针对个人用户快速连接网游服务器的一种服务。为了解决国内南北网络互联瓶颈的问题,“网络加速器”厂商通过搭建多个高带宽的双线机房(或通过租用双线VPS主机),并在这些机房的两大线路中架设多个节点服务器,然后为其编写“网络加速器客户端”,通过客户端判断用户 ...
    Episerver Init Infrastructure - Under the Hood

    Episerver Init Infrastructure - Under the Hood

    Having couple of initializable modules Episerver solution - and everything works as expected. But what really happens under the hood and how Episerver initialization system really works?

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks

    安卓模拟器这么慢,大家都怎么调试的?-CSDN论坛:2021-9-12 · 安卓模拟器这么慢,大家都怎么调试的? 刚开始用Eclipse调试,安卓模拟器太慢了,然后就只能用手机调试了 之后听说有个Andriod Stuio,然后我也试了一下,结果还是慢啊,所众想了解一下,大家都用什么调Andriod的伕码?

    This blog post is describing configuration setup required to support dynamically generated area names for Razor Class Library Pages. This approach is used in AdminUI for DbLocalizationProvider for Asp.Net Core.

    • valdis iljuconoks

    Hungry Azure WebJob - Journey of Memory Analysis

    网络加速软件_网络加速器下载 - 软件学堂:2021-6-11 · 软件学堂免费推荐各类网络加速软件下载,同时详细介绍了时下最新最实用的网络加速器相关的加速工具。免费软件 简体中文 更新时间:2021/6/2 15:41:13 大小:14.7M 奇妙加速器是一款非常便民的网络游戏加速器,它最要点的一点是免费的!

    • valdis iljuconoks
    Durable Episerverless


    There been couple of times when we have presented Episerver and Azure Functions (aka "episerverless") and how they play well together. However, looking at overall our sample application architecture - it still seems to be a bit brittle and composed together out of some small moving parts.

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks
    Episerver Images got Responsive Resize


    Latest ImageResizer library version now can also generate element. Thanks to lately movement by Erik and Vincent. When you need to deal with images and want to adapt to various screen sizes - it's time to switch to picture element.

    • 安卓中图片上传到服务器相关的IT服务-服务器 – 阿里云:阿里云云市场为您提供和安卓中图片上传到服务器相关的IT服务;阿里云云市场是软件交易和交付平台;目前云市场上有九大分类:包括基础软件、服务、安全、企业应用、建站、解决方案、API、IOT及数据智能市场。关于安卓中图片上传到服务器相关的服务有:基础软件,服务,安全,企业应用,建站 ...
      valdis iljuconoks
    Localization Provider - 5th generation out!

    Localization Provider - 5th generation out!

    Freshly baked v5.0 is out now. Changes in this version (some of them are breaking ones). Mostly release was focused on .Net Core AdminUI improvements and new features.

    • valdis iljuconoks
      valdis iljuconoks